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At least 11 people injured after projectiles reportedly fired from Lebanon into Israel

At least 11 people have been injured after projectiles were reportedly fired from Lebanon into Majdal Shams, Golan Heights, on Saturday, according to Israel.

Israeli security forces and local residents gather at a site where a reported strike from Lebanon...
Israeli security forces and local residents gather at a site where a reported strike from Lebanon fell in Majdal Shams village in the Israeli-annexed Golan area on July 27, 2024.

At least 11 people injured after projectiles reportedly fired from Lebanon into Israel

“A short while ago, sirens sounded in the area of Majdal Shams. One projectile was identified crossing from Lebanon toward the area. A hit was identified in the area. Injuries were reported,” the IDF said, adding that “approximately 30 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory.”

A spokesperson for Magen David Adom (MDA) said that five people are in critical condition and six in serious condition in Majdal Shams, according to initial reports.

Searches of the area continue, the spokesperson said.

A large team from MDA has been sent to the scene. Paramedics are treating victims they say are aged between 10 and 20 years old.

Some are being treated at the scene and others have been transferred to local clinics. Evacuation helicopters, ambulances and intensive care vehicles have also been dispatched to the scene.

Idan Avshalom, a senior medic from MDA said, “We arrived at a soccer field and saw destruction and objects on fire. Injured people were lying on the grass and the sights were dire. We immediately began triaging the injured, some of the injured were sent to local clinics and our teams were also directed to the clinics. During the incident there were additional alerts and the medical treatment of the injured is still ongoing.”

Israeli police said that munitions have fallen in “multiple sites in the northern Golan.”

Police are “securing the area and searching for additional remnants to eliminate any further risk to the public,” the Police Spokesperson’s Unit said.

The unrest in the Middle East has sparked concerns worldwide, with the latest incident causing significant damage in Majdal Shams. Several projectiles were reportedly launched from Lebanon, impacting the area and causing numerous casualties.

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