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At call for arrest - driver identifies himself

A 21-year-old eludes the police in a high-risk pursuit. Initially, he escapes, but then makes a mistake.

A 21-year-old went on the run, taking great risk (Picture).
A 21-year-old went on the run, taking great risk (Picture).

Curious Police Stories - At call for arrest - driver identifies himself

After a dangerous escape from the Dortmund Police, a 21-year-old driver accidentally confessed to himself by calling the station. He had lost his wallet. According to the police, a witness had called the station on Saturday and reported a driver who had disregarded the traffic light of an amber light. A patrol car quickly located the car at a gas station - with stolen license plates.

When the police wanted to check the driver, he put the car in reverse and fled. He "overtook more than 100 km/h several vehicles at a time, sometimes driving on the wrong side of the road and kept changing lanes", the police reported. In addition, he had driven his car into oncoming traffic to escape. It was only due to the good reaction abilities of other road users that there were no accidents with injured parties.

The police found the car abandoned in the evening at a parking lot in Bochum. In the meantime, a man had called the police station and inquired about his wallet - it was the wanted fugitive. "The 21-year-old followed the police's friendly invitation to come to the station to pick up his wallet", it was stated. "Arrest." The police initiated several criminal proceedings and are investigating, among other things, several thefts, endangering traffic, and driving without a license.

  1. The police discovered various curiosities in the abandoned car at the Bochum fuel station, including falsified documents and evidence of multiple thefts.
  2. Due to the high level of criminality in North Rhine-Westphalia, the automatic number plate recognition system is heavily used by local law enforcement to monitor traffic and identify suspicious vehicles.
  3. Following his arrest, the young driver showed no remorse for his actions and even boasted about his ability to evade the traffic authorities.
  4. Witnesses reported seeing the driver at a gas station in Dortmund earlier in the day, fueling his car with stolen credit cards.
  5. Despite the chaos caused by the fugitive's dangerous driving, the Bochum police department received commendations for their diligence in apprehending the criminal and preventing further incidents on the roads of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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