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Asylum payment card now introduced throughout Bavaria

The payment card for refugees should have been introduced throughout Bavaria by the end of June. The state government has now announced that it is complete.

A man holds a payment card in his hand during a press conference.
A man holds a payment card in his hand during a press conference.

Ministry of the Interior - Asylum payment card now introduced throughout Bavaria

The payment card for asylum seekers in Bavaria is now available throughout the entire state - and this was done on time and as planned before the end of June. The card has been introduced in all 96 districts and independent cities, announced Interior State Secretary Sandro Kirchner in Munich on Thursday. "The payment card is now in use throughout Bavaria." The statewide rollout has proceeded smoothly, and "most importantly, it has also happened within our ambitious timeframe," emphasized the CSU politician.

Since the launch of the payment card at the end of March and a successful pilot phase in the districts of Fürstenfeldbruck, Günzburg, and Traunstein, as well as the independent city of Straubing, the system has been gradually rolled out throughout the entire state in the past few weeks. Over 35,000 cards are already in use. This number will continue to increase according to the issuance rhythms of the respective authorities.

Asylum seekers' legally entitled amount, which was previously paid in cash, is now paid via the payment card. This means that it can be spent in all shops that accept Mastercard. Up to 50 Euros per person and month can be withdrawn in cash. The card is intended to limit the misuse of benefits and, consequently, immigration. However, the procedure is not without controversy. Associations like the Refugee Council question whether asylum seekers come to Germany because of the financial assistance and transfer significant amounts to their families in their countries of origin during their proceedings.

Kirchner, on the other hand, demanded that the bidding procedure on a federal level be completed as soon as possible and that the payment card be introduced nationwide as quickly as possible. "The wider the distribution of the payment card, the greater its impact," he emphasized. An important step in this context is that the state presidents of the federal states have ended the discussion about the cash withdrawal limit and have agreed on the Bavarian limit of 50 Euros per person.

  1. In the districts of Günzburg and Traunstein, where the payment card was initially tested, the system demonstrated its effectiveness before being expanded throughout Bavaria's 96 districts and independent cities.
  2. The CSU, being a key political party in Bavaria, has been supportive of this initiative, with Interior State Secretary Sandro Kirchner playing a significant role in its implementation.
  3. The Municipalities in Bavaria have implemented the new payment card system, allowing asylum seekers to access their financially assured amount, a change from the previous cash-based system.
  4. In response to concerns about the potential misuse of benefits, the payment card, which can be used in Mastercard-compatible shops, has a cash withdrawal limit of 50 Euros per person per month.
  5. The town of Traunstein, located in the state of Bavaria, is among the regions that have adopted the payment card system for asylum seekers, contributing to a more organized approach to finances in this sector.
  6. With the Ministry of the Interior playing a facilitating role, the payment card for asylum seekers now covers all of Bavaria, ensuring a more uniform experience and administration across the state.
  7. Despite the controversy surrounding the initiative, with asylum seeker associations raising concerns about the influence of financial aid on migration patterns, the payment card has been a topic of interest not just in Bavaria, but also at the federal level in Munich.

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