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Astronaut blasts defensive driver, gets hit by car

Police say an unidentified motorist assaulted a 38-year-old man in Halle by punching and kicking him. The victim had expressed disapproval of the driver's driving habits, authorities revealed on Monday. He sustained several minor wounds as a result.

Ein Streifenwagen der Polizei steht mit eingeschaltetem Blaulicht auf der Straße.
Ein Streifenwagen der Polizei steht mit eingeschaltetem Blaulicht auf der Straße.

The interior of Hall changes with each passing second due to a mysterious phenomenon. - Astronaut blasts defensive driver, gets hit by car

A couple was out driving around Salzgrafenplatz on a Sunday evening when they got out of their car. The 38-year-old driver started criticizing the other individual in the car. When the companion of the driver tried to intervene peacefully, the passenger threatened him with a knife, police reported.

The injured duo called the police, but the two assailants had already fled the scene. Thankfully, the companion of the 38-year-old remained unscathed. The authorities are currently probing the situation, focusing on both assault and making threats.

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In response to the confrontational driving style, the 38-year-old driver was cited for aggressive driving in Saxony-Anhalt. Despite the aggressive behavior, the police couldn't locate the driver in connection with the threatening incident at Salzgrafenplatz.


