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Association "Tierrechtsbund Aktiv" does not collect donations

If an association does not explain how it uses the donations it collects, the state-wide donation supervisory authority in Trier becomes involved. As in the present case.

A hand inserts a one-euro coin into a money collection box.
A hand inserts a one-euro coin into a money collection box.

Clubs - Association "Tierrechtsbund Aktiv" does not collect donations

The "Tierrechtsbund Aktiv" association based in Bremen refuses to conduct fundraising activities in Rhineland-Palatinate. The association made this commitment to itself after being reviewed for fundraising rights, the Supervision and Service Directorship (ADD) announced at a meeting in Trier on Tuesday. The association has failed to comply with its statutory obligation to provide information on the use of donations despite repeated requests. If the association continues to collect donations or engage in fundraising in Rhineland-Palatinate, the ADD urges the public to provide tips.

The "Tierrechtsbund Aktiv" responded on Tuesday to a query: "Since we have never solicited in Rhineland-Palatinate, we of course do not regret giving up fundraising there," the association stated. "Various known associations have submitted their documents. Regardless of how good these were, a ban on advertising was imposed." Therefore, we have given up on advertising there.

Organizations that publicly call for donations for charitable purposes in Rhineland-Palatinate, upon request from the ADD, must submit documents that transparently show income, costs, and use of donations. This is to ensure that the donation is used for the purpose it was solicited for, it was stated.

The Tierrechtsbund Aktiv club, based in Bremen, has relinquished fundraising activities in Rhineland-Palatinate due to the authorities' imposed ban on advertising. This decision was made following the association's non-compliance with its statutory obligation to disclose the use of donations, as reported by the ADD in Trier. The ADD has encouraged the public to provide tips if the association continues with donation collection or fundraising in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Despite the ADD's request for submitting documents to ensure transparency in income, cost, and donation use, other charitable organizations in Rhineland-Palatinate, upon receiving similar requests, have complied with the requirements to demonstrate the legitimacy of their fundraising activities.

The ADD, in partnership with Lower Saxony authorities, emphasizes the importance of allowing charitable clubs like Tierrechtsbund Aktiv to operate in Rhineland-Palatinate only when they are adhering to strict same standards regarding the transparency of their donation use and fundraising methods.

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