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Association plans new heritage attempt for astronomical clock

It has reliably shown the time for many hundreds of years: the astronomical clock in Rostock. It is considered a marvel of technology and craftsmanship. However, it has missed out on a place on the German World Heritage List - for the time being.

The astronomical clock in St. Mary's Church.
The astronomical clock in St. Mary's Church.

Culture - Association plans new heritage attempt for astronomical clock

After the Rostock Astronomical Clock failed to be included in the list of countries for the Unesco list of cultural and natural heritage, the non-profit association wants to prepare a new application. The rejection is regrettable, "but it doesn't make us despondent," said the board of the Rostock Astronomical Clock Association of 1472. The clock is located in St. Mary's Church.

"We see this pause as an opportunity to further qualify our application and present it again at a later stage." There has been a long line of applications in the past and present that did not make it at the first attempt.

The advisory board had criticized technical gaps, including in relation to the monument status and documentation, and recommended to the Conference of Ministers of Culture that the clock should not be placed on the German Tentative List.

According to the association, the rejection is based on the report of the expert commission, whose representatives visited Rostock in September 2022. "The report contains a series of named arguments and recognizable recommendations that make further involvement by our association appear sensible. We will continue to work as an honorary committee," emphasized the Executive Board.

The association was pleased with the assessment of the State Minister of Culture, Bettina Martin (SPD), who did not see the special significance of the Astronomical Clock diminished by this decision. "The Astronomical Clock in Rostock is a magical attraction for visitors to the city. The historical and cultural significance of this cultural treasure is undisputed," said Martin.

KMK press release Press release Ministry of Culture MV

Read also:

The non-profit association in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, specifically the Rostock Astronomical Clock Association of 1472, aims to strengthen their application for UNESCO's World Heritage list, following its initial rejection. According to the association, the UN expert commission's report pointed out technical gaps and recommendations, which they plan to address before re-submitting their application.


