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Asparagus farmers in Saxony-Anhalt harvest more again

In 2022, asparagus farmers harvested the smallest crop since the turn of the millennium. Last year, yields increased again, but are still below the average of previous years.

A stall selling asparagus at a market.
A stall selling asparagus at a market.

Agriculture - Asparagus farmers in Saxony-Anhalt harvest more again

After the lowest harvest since the turn of the millennium in the year 2022 with approximately 1500 tonnes of asparagus harvested, the asparagus farmers in Sachsen-Anhalt managed to harvest more in the previous year. The Statistical Office of Sachsen-Anhalt announced on Tuesday that 1498.6 tonnes of asparagus were harvested in the year 2023. This is more than the 1398.5 tonnes harvested in 2022, but still less than the average yield of around 2200 tonnes per year over the past six years (including 2022). The yield of 2023 was reportedly around 30% below the average.

According to the statisticians, 30 farms (2022: 32 farms) cultivated asparagus on a total area of 322 hectares. Additionally, there were 115 hectares where asparagus was not in production. The main asparagus growing area in 2023 was in the Landkreis Stendal. The 10 farms there harvested a total of approximately 570 tonnes of asparagus.

Press release Statistical Office of Sachsen-Anhalt

  1. The farmers in Saxony-Anhalt improved their asparagus harvest in 2023, with 1498.6 tonnes being gathered, as opposed to the 1398.5 tonnes harvested in the previous year.
  2. Despite the increase in the 2023 asparagus harvest, the yield was still significantly below the six-year average of around 2200 tonnes, with the 2023 harvest being approximately 30% lower than the average.
  3. The Landkreis Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt was the main area for asparagus cultivation in 2023, with 10 farms harvesting a total of approximately 570 tonnes of asparagus on a total area of 322 hectares.

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