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Arved Fuchs continues his "Ocean Change" expedition series

He does not see himself as a scientist, but his expeditions provide important insights into understanding climate change. Now Arved Fuchs is setting off again with the sailing ship "Dagmar Aaen".

The polar explorer and author on his sailing ship "Dagmar Aaen".
The polar explorer and author on his sailing ship "Dagmar Aaen".

Climate - Arved Fuchs continues his "Ocean Change" expedition series

Arved Fuchs, the polar researcher and author, has set sail on another stage of his "Ocean Change" expedition series. He and his crew left the Kiel harbor on Tuesday aboard the sailing ship "Dagmar Aaen." The goal of this year's stage is the Norwegian Sea and the Bear Island between North Cape and Spitsbergen in the Barents Sea. The expedition series is dear to the 71-year-old's heart, who stated this before departure. "The changes in the oceans are no trivial matter. The oceans are getting warmer, the glaciers in Greenland are melting, and they are also changing the chemistry of the sea through the freshwater input."

Arved Fuchs founded the "Ocean Change" project in 2015, which deals with the changes in the oceans and their effects on the climate and coastal landscapes. Since 2021, there has been a connection to the Helmholtz-Center for Ocean Research in Kiel, which receives data during the "Dagmar Aaen's" voyages from regions where no one is usually present. This cooperation can help science reach people, Fuchs said earlier. "We will only solve the climate crisis if we all take part."

Fuchs is indifferent to other crises that need to be addressed. "We have been managing this problem for many years and have done nothing about it," he criticized. "Now we have everything, but we just don't have time anymore." He expressed concern during the European election that, in the order of importance for young people, the climate change issue had dropped to fourth place instead of being at the top as it was before.

  1. Arved Fuchs and his crew are sailing aboard the "Dagmar Aaen" towards the Norwegian Sea, with the goal of reaching Bear Island between North Cape and Spitsbergen in the Barents Sea, as part of his "Ocean Change" expedition series.
  2. The "Ocean Change" project, founded by Arved Fuchs in 2015, focuses on the changes in the oceans and their impact on the climate and coastal landscapes, with help from the Helmholtz-Center for Ocean Research in Kiel since 2021.
  3. Arved Fuchs emphasized the importance of collective effort in addressing climate change, stating, "We will only solve the climate crisis if we all take part."
  4. In his criticism of other crises, Arved Fuchs expressed frustration that climate change, which he considers a pressing issue, has dropped to fourth place in importance for young people during European elections.
  5. Arved Fuchs is currently sailing through the waters of Schleswig-Holstein, en route to the international waters of the Norwegian Sea, as part of his ongoing efforts to raise awareness about climate change and its consequences.

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