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"Arsch huh" wants to demonstrate for peace

"Arsch huh" has mobilized tens of thousands of people at demonstrations against the right. This time it's about Israel and Palestine - and is a little more complicated than before.

Middle East conflict - "Arsch huh" wants to demonstrate for peace

Hundreds of participants are expected to attend an Israel peace rally organized by the artists' initiative"Arsch huh" in Cologne on Sunday (15:00). The thrust of the event, entitled "Give Peace a Chance!", is much more controversial than previous demonstrations by the well-known Cologne group. The Vice President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Abraham Lehrer, had cancelled his participation because the terrorist organization Hamas and the Israeli army were placed on the same level in the call. "Arsch huh" referred, among other things, to the sentence: "For us, Israel's right to exist and its security are a permanent obligation."

According to the invitation, FDP politician Gerhart Baum, cabaret artists Jürgen Becker and Wilfried Schmickler, the rock band Brings and the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims (ZMD), Aiman Mazyek, are to take part in the rally "with music and speeches". Lehrer accused the organizers of denying Israel's right to self-defense. After the massacre on October 7, now is the time for clear solidarity with Israel. The appeal states, among other things: "We mourn for the Israeli victims just as much as for the Palestinian victims and would like to send a signal of solidarity with both peoples with our rally. Neither war can provide security nor terror for liberation."

"Arsch huh, Zäng ussenander" (loosely translated: "Stand up and speak out") sees itself as one of the most influential artists' and musicians' initiatives against racism and neo-Nazis. Well-known members include Wolfgang Niedecken (BAP) and the Bläck Fööss. In 1992, the initiative mobilized around 100,000 people in Cologne for a demonstration against right-wing extremism.

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