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Arrest warrants for two care facility employees

Following the death of an elderly woman, arrest warrants have been issued against two employees of a care facility in the Upper Palatinate, according to the public prosecutor's office. A 54-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man are accused of attempted murder and grievous bodily harm or...

The penal code and files lie on the table in court.
The penal code and files lie on the table in court.

Justice - Arrest warrants for two care facility employees

Following the death of an elderly woman, arrest warrants have been issued for two employees of a care facility in the Upper Palatinate, according to the public prosecutor's office. A 54-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man are accused of attempted murder and grievous bodily harm or incitement to do so, according to a spokesperson for the authorities in Regensburg on Thursday.

The employee is said to have administered a potentially lethal dose of morphine to a 93-year-old woman in a care facility in Furth im Wald (Cham district) on December 6 without her consent. The senior citizen died within a few hours. The 38-year-old is said to have incited his colleague to commit the crime. The investigation was based on the testimony of a witness.

During the autopsy of the senior citizen's body, a corresponding dose of the painkiller was found in her blood. According to a forensic pathologist, a causal link between the administration of the drug and the woman's death cannot be established with certainty, particularly due to the 93-year-old's already fragile state of health. Therefore, despite the woman's death, the charge is currently attempted murder.

According to the public prosecutor's office, there are currently no indications that the senior citizen wished to die and she was not already in the process of dying. The spokesperson pointed out that the presumption of innocence continues to apply to the accused.

Read also:

  1. The public prosecutor's office in Regensburg, located in the Upper Palatinate region of Germany, issued warrant of arrests for two employees associated with a care facility in Furth im Wald.
  2. Despite the 93-year-old woman's death, the employees are charged with attempted murder and grievous bodily harm or incitement to do so after administering a potentially lethal dose of morphine without her consent.
  3. The disturbing incident occurred in a care facility in the small Bavarian town of Furth im Wald, which is part of the Cham district.
  4. The public prosecutor's office is currently investigating the case including potential motivations for the alleged crimes, but they have not found any indications of the senior citizen wishing to die.
  5. The 54-year-old woman and 38-year-old man will be brought before the German justice system to answer for the criminal charges against them, including allegations of murder within the care facility.
  6. The entire incident has sparked concern and debate throughout Bavaria, particularly among those who have loved ones in care facilities, about the safety and care of elderly individuals.
  7. Meanwhile, the public prosecutor's office in Bavaria continues to work tirelessly towards bringing those responsible for the woman's death to account, ensuring justice is served for the victim's family and the wider community.




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