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Arrest warrant against Lars Windhorst lifted

After accusations against investor Lars Windhorst, he testifies in court after all - and promises further cooperation.

Lars Windhorst, Investor.
Lars Windhorst, Investor.

Investor - Arrest warrant against Lars Windhorst lifted

In a insolvency proceedings regarding the Ihme-Center in Hannover, investor Lars Windhorst testified at the Hanover District Court. Therefore, the arrest warrant against him has been lifted, a court spokesperson stated on Friday. Windhorst had pledged full cooperation. "The court believes that he has been complying with this so far," the spokesperson explained.

The Hanover District Court had issued an arrest warrant against Windhorst on May 23rd due to his alleged failure to fulfill cooperation obligations in the insolvency proceedings against the IZ Hannover GmbH. Windhorst, who the court considers the de facto managing director of the GmbH, had not provided information and had not handed over keys, as stated by the court previously. Windhorst had been absent from a hearing on April 22nd without excuse.

"Mr. Windhorst has agreed to submit missing documents shortly, so it can be assumed that he is adhering to the agreement, and the reissuance of an arrest warrant is no longer necessary," the provisional insolvency administrator Jens Wilhelm V shared. The Hanover District Court opened the provisional insolvency administration over the assets of the IZ Hannover GmbH at the end of September 2023. According to the court, the company should own 83% of the Ihme-Center, a residential and office complex along the Ihme River in the Linden district. It has been deemed in need of rehabilitation for years.

  1. Despite the initial arrest warrant issued by the Lower Saxony's Hanover District Court against Lars Windhorst due to his alleged non-compliance in the insolvency proceedings of IZ Hannover GmbH, the court has lifted the warrant as Windhorst has been cooperating fully.
  2. The Ihme-Center, a residential and office complex in Hannover's Linden district, is predominantly owned by the insolvent company IZ Hannover GmbH, according to the district court's records, which has initiated insolvency proceedings against the company.
  3. Despite missing documents, investor Lars Windhorst, who is considered the de facto managing director of IZ Hannover GmbH, has agreed to submit the required documents shortly, assuring the provisional insolvency administrator Jens Wilhelm V that he is adhering to the agreement.
  4. As part of the ongoing insolvency proceedings against IZ Hannover GmbH, a local court in Lower Saxony's Hanover has issued an arrest warrant against Lars Windhorst, accusing him of not providing essential information and keys during the proceedings.

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