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Arrest for sexual abuse of a child

A man is alleged to have sexually abused a girl near her home. The police have provisionally arrested a suspect.

The perpetrator lured with sweets
The perpetrator lured with sweets

Special commission investigates - Arrest for sexual abuse of a child

The police have temporarily arrested a suspect who is alleged to have sexually abused a six-year-old girl in the Bitburg-Prüm district of the Eifel circle. The Trier public prosecutor's office intends to apply for a remand order at court on Friday, the police announced. The urgently suspected suspect was identified during intensive investigations and search measures.

According to earlier statements, the girl's family from Speicher filed a complaint on Tuesday due to the suspicion of sexual abuse. The girl's initial statements indicate that she was approached by a man near her house under a pretext and lured to a house behind it with sweets. There, the unknown person sexually abused the girl. The traumatized but physically unharmed child then ran home. The mother alerted the police.

The arrest of the suspect has sparked public outrage in the community, with many calling for tougher action against such heinous crimes. The special commission set up by the Rhineland-Palatinate government to address child abuse cases will be closely monitoring the developments. The suspect is reportedly set to appear before the court following the application for a remand order by the Trier public prosecutor's office.

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