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Around four tons of asbestos sheets disposed of on a dirt road

Unknown persons drive a vehicle onto a country lane - and simply dump asbestos-containing slabs and building rubble into the countryside. The police are now looking for witnesses.

The unknown persons dumped the asbestos sheets over 50 meters into the landscape. (symbolic image)
The unknown persons dumped the asbestos sheets over 50 meters into the landscape. (symbolic image)

Environment - Around four tons of asbestos sheets disposed of on a dirt road

Unknown individuals dumped approximately four tons of asbestos-containing plates and construction debris on a country road near Maintal (Main-Kinzig-District). According to the police statement, they likely transported the plates and construction debris in a vehicle between Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.

Now, the police are investigating due to illegal handling of waste and are looking for witnesses. The city of Maintal reportedly directed the removal of the debris.

Asbestos is a natural substance that can cause cancer. It has been banned in Germany since 1993, but it can still be found in older buildings. Asbestos was used, among other things, as a building additive in fire and heat insulation or in roof and facade panels.

The police are urging anyone who might have noticed a suspicious vehicle in the Main-Kinzig area during the specified timeframe to come forward as potential witnesses. The illegal dumping of asbestos-laden debris has raised environmental concerns in Hesse, prompting strict waste management measures. The building rubble, potentially originating from an old structure in Maintal, poses a hazard to both the local environment and public safety.

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