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Around 830,000 border controls during the European Football Championships so far

Due to the European Football Championship, there are temporary controls at all German Schengen internal borders. The federal police have a lot to do: over 600 arrest warrants have already been executed.

Federal police officers carry out border controls on the occasion of the European Football...
Federal police officers carry out border controls on the occasion of the European Football Championship.

Federal Police - Around 830,000 border controls during the European Football Championships so far

From June 7th onwards until Thursday, there were approximately 830,000 police checks at German borders during the Football European Championship. Of these, 603 arrest warrants were executed, according to Dieter Romann, the head of the Federal Police Presidium, on Friday in Bad Bramstedt. This is more than one arrest warrant per minute, and among the crimes were homicides and also unpaid child support.

Furthermore, 85 people were arrested for politically motivated criminality - among them, international terrorism and also left-wing and right-wing extremism. Additionally, 86 violent hooligans were turned away.

Moreover, 150 smugglers were temporarily detained and 146 people were denied entry who had already been expelled at an earlier time. By Thursday, 3261 of the 4659 unauthorized entries had been denied - all of this in 21 days, as Romann stated.

"Every day, 22,000 federal police officers of the Bundespolizei are in action just in relation to football," explained the President of the Federal Police Presidium. These were responsible for checks at all land and sea borders of Germany.

Due to the football tournament, temporary controls at all German Schengen internal borders are currently in effect until July 19th - that is, only a few days after the final on July 14th. Additionally, the Federal Ministry of the Interior announced at the end of May that the stationary border controls at the land borders with Poland, Czech Republic, and Switzerland, which have been in effect since the beginning of the year, would be extended by half a year. The reason given was to combat smuggling criminality and limit irregular migration.

  1. During the European Football Championship, the Federal Police in Bad Bramstedt, headed by Dieter Romann, reported over 830,000 border checks in Germany from June 7th to Thursday.
  2. Romann mentioned that among the crimes detected during these checks, there were instances of unpaid child support and even homicides.
  3. The head of the Federal Police Presidium also shared that approximately 603 arrest warrants were executed during this period, equating to more than one arrest per minute.
  4. In relation to the football tournament, 85 individuals were arrested for politically motivated criminality, including cases of international terrorism, left-wing, and right-wing extremism.
  5. The Federal Police Presidium was also responsible for turning away 86 violent hooligans and temporarily detaining 150 smugglers, among other activities.
  6. Announcing from Schleswig-Holstein, Romann stated that within 21 days, 3261 of the 4659 unauthorized entries were denied due to border control measures, which were extended to July 19th, a few days after the European Football Championship final in Germany.

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