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Around 70 kilometers of the A14 northern extension completed

The A14 northern extension from Magdeburg towards the Baltic Sea has grown by another section. Traffic has been flowing between Tangerhütte and Lüderitz since Thursday.

View of the A14 at the opening of the Tangerhütte-Lüderitz section to traffic.
View of the A14 at the opening of the Tangerhütte-Lüderitz section to traffic.

Connection - Around 70 kilometers of the A14 northern extension completed

Another section of the A14 northern extension went online near Lüderitz in the district of Stendal on Thursday. With the 15-kilometer stretch between the Tangerhütte (near Dolle) and Lüderitz junctions, 30 kilometers in Saxony-Anhalt are now open to traffic. Of the total 155 kilometers of the gap closure between the Magdeburg and Schwerin interchanges, around 70 kilometers are now complete. "We are connecting what needs to be connected," said Daniela Kluckert, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Digital and Transport Affairs, referring to the freeway sections and the connection between central Germany and the coast.

Construction work on this section began in summer 2018, but there was a long dispute over building rights because the route runs through the ecologically sensitive area of the Colbitz-Letzlinger Heath. The costs for nature and species conservation are high. Among other things, there are toad fences, wildlife bridges and tunnels, irritation protection walls for bats and birds. The roadway was milled up to 14 meters deep into the hilly terrain to compensate for the height. The most architecturally challenging structure is a bridge over the so-called Kuhgrund.

The contours of the future route are already clearly visible from Lüderitz to Stendal. The six-kilometre stretch to the Stendal junction (B 189) should be completed by 2025. Work is also underway on the Stendal - Osterburg route. Construction preparations are underway between Osterburg and Seehausen.

The connection from Saxony-Anhalt to the state of Brandenburg, with a new Elbe bridge near Wittenberge, is also already under construction. Planning permission for the Wittenberge - Karstädt section has been announced for next year. The overall completion date depends on this. The southern connection of the northern extension to the already completed A14 from Magdeburg to Halle is due to be opened in 2029.

Construction of the A14 northern extension, which runs for 97 kilometers through Saxony-Anhalt, 32 kilometers through the state of Brandenburg and 26 kilometers through Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, began in November 2011. The costs are now estimated at 1.9 billion euros. It is unlikely that the entire route will be fully passable before 2030.

Read also:

  1. The A14 northern extension, currently under construction, will eventually connect Lüderitz in the District of Stendal to the coast, passing through the state of Saxony-Anhalt and towards the Baltic Sea.
  2. The completion of the 15-kilometer stretch between Tangerhütte (near Dolle) and Lüderitz junctions brings the total length of open traffic on the A14 northern extension in Saxony-Anhalt to 30 kilometers.
  3. The construction of the six-kilometer stretch from Lüderitz to the Stendal junction (B 189) is expected to be completed by 2025, further connecting Stendal to the A14 northern extension.
  4. The southern connection of the A14 northern extension to the already completed A14 from Magdeburg to Halle will be opened in 2029, providing a direct route from Magdeburg to the Baltic Sea.
  5. Construction of the A14 northern extension, which spans 97 kilometers through Saxony-Anhalt, 32 kilometers through Brandenburg, and 26 kilometers through Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, began in November 2011 and is expected to be fully passable by 2030.


