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Around 50 soccer fans are said to have attacked police officers

According to police reports, around 50 soccer supporters attacked police officers in Saarbrücken. Five police officers suffered facial injuries as well as bruises and abrasions, according to a statement on Thursday. Two men were arrested.

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Saarbrücken - Around 50 soccer fans are said to have attacked police officers

According to police reports, around 50 soccer supporters attacked police officers in Saarbrücken. Five police officers suffered facial injuries as well as bruises and abrasions, according to a statement on Thursday. Two men were arrested.

The police had been called on Thursday night because fans of 1. FC Saarbrücken had been accosting other guests in a pub. According to the police, the officers left the pub with the two men, who were later arrested. The two soccer fans, aged 27 and 32, then attacked the police officers. The two were arrested with the help of other police officers and a Taser. Around 50 other people from the surrounding pubs then attacked the police officers. Most of them were also recognizable as fans of 1. FC Saarbrücken, it was reported.

According to the statement, around 30 officers were deployed. The police are investigating for resisting law enforcement officers. Saarland Interior Minister Reinhold Jost (SPD) called for the incident to be investigated thoroughly. "Attacks on emergency services are unacceptable, even if the perpetrators are under the influence of alcohol."

Press release

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The incident took place in the city of Saarbrücken, known for its soccer team 1. fc saarbrücken. The fans of this team were reportedly involved in the incident. Two men, both soccer fans, were arrested and accused of assaulting police officers. The attacking males were identified as men from Saarland.


