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Around 350 farmers protest against cost-cutting plans

Around 350 Saarland farmers protested outside the state parliament in Saarbrücken on Monday against the planned abolition of tax concessions by the coalition government. "We won't stand for this," said Alexander Welsch, Managing Director of the Saar Farmers' Association. If the subsidy for...

Farmers drive their tractors at walking pace.
Farmers drive their tractors at walking pace.

Agriculture - Around 350 farmers protest against cost-cutting plans

Around 350 Saarland farmers protested outside the state parliament in Saarbrücken on Monday against the planned abolition of tax concessions by the coalition government. "We won't stand for this," said Alexander Welsch, Managing Director of the Saar Farmers' Association. If the subsidy for agricultural diesel was removed and farmers had to pay vehicle tax for tractors in future, this would mean additional costs of up to 10,000 euros per farm and year for Saar farmers.

As a result, more farmers would have to give up. "Some will no longer be able to keep going," he said. For some time now, the sectors have had to accept one wave of cuts after another. "But now enough is enough." With their rally in front of the state parliament, the farmers wanted to put pressure on politicians to stop the traffic light plans.

According to the police, eight tractors were also counted at the rally. There were no special incidents, said a spokesperson. In addition to the police, Welsch also spoke of around 350 participants.

Every farm is affected by the government's cost-cutting plans, he said. According to the association, there are still around 1200 agricultural businesses in Saarland. Of these, 400 to 500 are larger, 250 to 300 are full-time farmers.

Read also:

  1. The agrarian sector in Saarland has been facing a series of cost-cutting measures from the coalition government's Economic policy.
  2. The farmers' Savings plan to combat these cuts included a demonstration outside the state parliament in Saarbrücken.
  3. The Police reported eight tractors participating in the rally, with no notable incidents occurring.
  4. The proposed abolition of tax concessions and introduction of vehicle tax for tractors could result in additional costs of up to 10,000 euros per farm, annually.
  5. Under the current state of affairs, more agrarian businesses might be forced to close due to these financial burdens, according to Alexander Welsch, Managing Director of the Saar Farmers' Association.
  6. The conflict over the government's Environmental and Energy policies have led to tension within the Saarland State parliament, with some opposing the traffic light coalition.
  7. Recent debates in the State parliament over delegating certain powers to the Federal government have caused controversy and divisions within the political landscape of Saarland.


