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Around 18,000 people come to the JazzBaltica festival

Sold out: That is the result of the jazz festival in Timmendorfer Strand. Numerous guests also came to the free concerts.

Nils Landgren, Swedish trombonist and singer, photographed during a performance.
Nils Landgren, Swedish trombonist and singer, photographed during a performance.

Music - Around 18,000 people come to the JazzBaltica festival

Approximately 18,000 people attended the 39 JazzBaltica Festival concerts (27th to 30th of June) in Timmendorfer Strand this year. All events were sold out, as the organizers reported on Sunday. In addition, there were 21 free Open-Air concerts, which were attended by thousands more people.

"Super concerts, exceptional artists and artists, an overwhelming audience - we couldn't have celebrated Midsommar any better," was quoted by Nils Landgren, artistic director of JazzBaltica.

The Swedish trombonist and singer is considered one of the most successful European jazz musicians. Landgren led on all stages throughout the weekend, introduced the bands, and played along with his red trombone upon invitation of the respective artists in the concerts.


The 39th JazzBaltica Festival,which took place from the 27th to the 30th of June, was held at Timmendorfer Strand in Schleswig-Holstein. Nils Landgren, the artistic director, expressed his delight, stating that "Super concerts, exceptional artists and an overwhelming audience - we couldn't have celebrated Midsommar any better." Despite the main concerts being sold out, additional free Open-Air concerts at Timmendorfer Strand attracted even more music lovers, making it a festival remembered by many artists and attendants alike.

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