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Around 13,000 people visit the state parliament

Historical robes, a light and music show and an open parliament: more than 13,000 interested people took advantage of the open day at the state parliament in Schwerin.

Light show for the Schwerin Castle Festival.
Light show for the Schwerin Castle Festival.

Fixed - Around 13,000 people visit the state parliament

Over 13,000 people used the Day of Open Door at the Landtag during the Schlossfest on Sunday, according to parliamentary statements. "Citizens were invited to get to know the seat of their state parliament closer," said Landtag President Birgit Hesse (SPD) on Sunday. Approximately 15,000 interested parties visited the state parliament in Schwerin Castle in 2023 during the Day of Open Door.

"The fact that the response today, despite partial rain showers, was only slightly below that of the previous year, is fantastic and a great signal," said Hesse. People showed interest in political events in the region. "The Day of Open Door stands for real encounters and exchange at eye level." She reported hearing many good conversations.

Already on Saturday, hundreds of guests followed the historical parade before Schwerin Castle, according to the organizers. The focus of the parade was, according to their statements, the staged return of Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II. to his castle - just like in 1857, when the real Grand Duke reopened it after elaborate renovation work with great pomp. He was accompanied in the performance by Grand Duchess Marie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and numerous costumed guests in the style of the crinoline fashion (1840-1869), to revive the courtly atmosphere of old.

Apart from the appearance of the Schlossverein, a craft fair, and an evening light and music show attracted visitors.

The SPD, being the governing party in the parliament, played a significant role in organizing the Day of Open Door at the Landtag in Schwerin Castle. Despite some rain showers, the event saw a fixed attendance slightly below the previous year's, indicating a continued interest in the event and political affairs in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The Day of Open Door, held annually, has a rich history in parliament's engagement with the community, providing an opportunity for Sunday's attendees to have direct conversations with parliamentary members in Schwerin.

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