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Around 1,000 letters not delivered in Greifswald

A 32-year-old mailman is accused of not delivering letters for months. A neighbor found several bags full of mail in the bicycle storage area.

The police are investigating a negligent mailman in Greifswald. He allegedly did not deliver around...
The police are investigating a negligent mailman in Greifswald. He allegedly did not deliver around 1,000 items.

- Around 1,000 letters not delivered in Greifswald

A postal worker in Greifswald is suspected of not delivering mail for months. A neighbor of the 32-year-old discovered several bags of mail in the bike room of an apartment building, as reported by the police.

Investigators believe the man may have withheld around 1,000 letters. The Greifswalder is now being investigated for embezzlement and violation of postal secrecy, as some letters were found opened.

It is unclear whether all letters can still be delivered. "In cooperation with the responsible public prosecutor's office, it will be checked when the mail can be returned to the affected postal service provider," it was said. "This will then decide which shipments will be redelivered." Recipients will receive a cover letter.

Letters that cannot be delivered will be returned to the sender with an information letter, allowing them to take action. In all cases, affected citizens will receive information in the end.

The police are actively involved in the investigation of the postal worker's alleged actions. The Greifswalder's actions could potentially lead to charges of theft by misappropriation, as well as breach of postal service confidentiality.

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