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Argentine protesters and law enforcement officers face off during Congress's consideration of Milei's proposed legislation.

Law enforcement responds with water cannons and tear gas as demonstrators flip a vehicle connected to a television network.

A car burns during a protest near Argentina's National Congress, on the day senators debate...
A car burns during a protest near Argentina's National Congress, on the day senators debate President Javier Milei's economic reform bill, in Buenos Aires on June 12.

Argentine protesters and law enforcement officers face off during Congress's consideration of Milei's proposed legislation.

A newspaper from CNN in Spanish saw police using water cannons and tear gas to break up the crowd. The protesters, in return, threw things at the police.

A vehicle from a television network got pushed over and started on fire; firemen took care of that.

None of the authorities revealed anyone being harmed, but reporters from CNNEE noticed first-aid workers caring for injured protesters.

People from different social groups and unions had gathered there to convey their disagreement with the planned changes.

The legislation - which the Chamber of Deputies has already approved - would declare a “public emergency in administrative, economic, financial, and energy matters” for a whole year. This would permit the Executive Branch to handle legislative powers in those areas without seeking Congress's permission.

A demonstrator reacts during a protest near Argentina's National Congress, on the day senators debate President Javier Milei's economic reform bill, in Buenos Aires on June 12.

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