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Area needs cultural lighthouse projects

Katrin Budde, Chairwoman of the Bundestag's Culture Committee, believes that lighthouse projects can have a lasting effect on vibrant cultural landscapes in rural areas. "If, for example, lighthouses are missing in rural areas, this cannot be compensated for with any cultural funding," the SPD...

Katrin Budde (SPD), Member of the Bundestag and Chair of the Committee on Culture and the
Katrin Budde (SPD), Member of the Bundestag and Chair of the Committee on Culture and the Media.

Cultural policy - Area needs cultural lighthouse projects

Katrin Budde, Chairwoman of the Bundestag's Culture Committee, believes that lighthouse projects can have a lasting effect on vibrant cultural landscapes in rural areas. "If, for example, there is a lack of lighthouses in rural areas, no amount of cultural funding can compensate for this," the SPD politician told the dpa news agency in Berlin.

"You need places of crystallization and points that are also visible beyond the region, nationally and ideally at European and international level," said the former party and parliamentary group leader in Saxony-Anhalt. "This also creates interest again, then people will come back. This development is no different to economic policy."

In Budde' s view, however, such institutions do not have a sufficient impact in isolation. "In addition to lighthouses, there must also be area funding, but the federal government is not actually responsible for this. Federal cultural funds and others can then be used to develop something in the area."

However, Budde does not want central projects to be limited to the area. "You need lighthouses all over the place, in the countryside and in the major centers. That's where a lot of visibility, commissions and the involvement of the regional cultural scene come from."

Budde still sees potential in the cooperation between public cultural institutions and the independent scene. "Institutions such as the federally owned Berliner Festspiele, Berlinale or Haus der Kultur der Welt, which are rightly well-funded and stable, can of course be even more of an anchor for the independent scene and work together with them," she said. "There are also countless really good examples of this. In Berlin, but also across the country."

Bundestag Culture Committee

Read also:

  1. Katrin Budde, whose tenure as Chairwoman of the Bundestag's Culture Committee has been instrumental, has advocated for the implementation of 'lighthouse projects' in both rural and urban areas of Germany.
  2. Given her experience as a former party and parliamentary group leader in Saxony-Anhalt, Budde underscored the importance of 'lighthouse projects' not only for attracting interest to lesser-known regions but also contributing to Germany's overall 'cultural policy.'
  3. The SPD politician emphasized that while 'lighthouse projects' play a crucial role in driving cultural development, their impact is enhanced when coupled with area funding, which is primarily the responsibility of the regional authorities, not the federal government.
  4. Recently, Budde highlighted Berlin's cultural institutions, such as the Berliner Festspiele and Haus der Kultur der Welt, as stellar examples of public-private collaboration that benefits both established public cultural institutions and the lively independent scene in the city, showcasing a successful execution of 'cultural policy.'
  5. Even in light of these positive developments, Budde is firm in her belief that 'lighthouse projects' should be initiated across Germany, ensuring that both rural regions and large urban centers alike can benefit from this vision of a comprehensive and vibrant 'cultural policy' within Germany.


