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Approximately 440,000 homeless people in Germany

The number of homeless people in Germany has further increased compared to previous years. According to the Statistical Federal Office in Wiesbaden, which announced this on Monday, about 439,500 homeless people were accommodated in municipal shelters or corresponding aid facilities by January...

Refugee container village in Berlin
Refugee container village in Berlin

Approximately 440,000 homeless people in Germany

Approximately 40 percent of the accommodated homeless people were reportedly younger than 25 years old. The proportion of people aged 65 and above remained unchanged at five percent compared to the previous year. On average, the age of the accommodated people at the end of January was 31 years. Fifty-five percent of the accommodated homeless were Men, 43 percent were Women. For two percent of the cases, the gender was listed as "unknown".

Regarding nationality, Ukrainian women and men made up nearly one third of the accommodated homeless. Accordingly, 136,900 displaced Ukrainian women and men were recorded in the statistics.

In total, 377,900 people with foreign nationality were reported - a significant increase from the previous year's 311,900 people. Their share of all accommodated homeless rose to 86 percent, up from 84 percent previously. The number of people with German nationality, on the other hand, increased only slightly - to 61,500 from 60,200. Their share of the total number of accommodated homeless thus decreased to 14 percent.

Among the accommodated homeless, 150,100 people lived in households with children. They formed the largest group at 34 percent. Thirty-two percent or 139,000 people were single. In single-parent households, 17 percent lived.

In a state-by-state comparison, the most accommodated homeless people were in the most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia, with 105,100 people. Baden-Württemberg and Berlin followed with 92,700 and 47,300 people, respectively. The fewest accommodated homeless were reported in Saarland, Saxony-Anhalt, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - with 2,600, 1,000, and 700 people, respectively.

The statistics recorded homeless people who were accommodated in abandoned housing, shelters, or other facilities for the homeless on the night of February 1. Homeless people living on the street were not considered in the statistics.

In Germany, the city of Wiesbaden reportedly had 440,000 residents, according to statistical data. Interestingly, among the accommodated homeless in Germany, a significant proportion were men, making up 55% of the total. This statistic was obtained from the Statistical Federal Office. Regarding homelessness, it's unfortunate that 150,100 people in households with children were part of this group, forming the largest group at 34%. In contrast, only 43% were women.

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