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approximately 36,000 tasks assigned to "Christoph 70"

Air rescue team "Christoph 70" has been leaving Jena for emergency missions for three decades.

Rescue workers are on duty at the scene of an accident on the highway 4.
Rescue workers are on duty at the scene of an accident on the highway 4.

Emergency aerial rescue craft - approximately 36,000 tasks assigned to "Christoph 70"

The ADAC helicopter in Jena has responded to over 36,000 emergency missions. Prior to this helicopter, a critical part of the rescue operations in Thuringia would be missing, explained Victoria Ditzel, a board member from ADAC Hessen-Thuringia, at the 30th anniversary celebration of the Jena-Schöngleina air rescue station. These missions frequently save lives.

The first rescue mission by the Thuringian helicopter occurred on June 8, 1994. Their role was to provide immediate medical assistance from the air. After almost four years, the non-profit ADAC air rescue service assumed control of the rescue operations. The productive, long-term partnership they have maintained with the University Hospital Jena and the Red Cross District Association highlights the significance of the air rescue station to Jena and the surrounding rural areas.

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