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Approximately 150,000 individuals join in the festivities for Saxony-Anhalt Day in Stendal.

The parade serves as the main attraction during Saxony-Anhalt Day. Approximately 3,000 individuals participated. The Minister President regards it as a triumphant state celebration.

The main event of Saxony-Anhalt Day is undeniably the spectacular parade in Stendal.
The main event of Saxony-Anhalt Day is undeniably the spectacular parade in Stendal.

- Approximately 150,000 individuals join in the festivities for Saxony-Anhalt Day in Stendal.

About 150,000 attendees rejoiced in Stendal for the "Saxony-Anhalt" celebration over the weekend. The event organizers were optimistic following the conclusion of the three-day celebration, praising the effectiveness of the enhanced security measures. The heightened security was instated due to the Islamist incident at a folk festival in Solingen, North Rhine-Westphalia.

A count of 23 criminal incidents were reported, disclosed the head of the Stendal police station, Andreas Krautwald. This figure represents a lower-than-average rate of incidents for such events. Offenses encompassed drug-related infractions, coercion, slurs, and bodily harm, with the police also investigating a suspected rape. The authorities had to withhold specifics due to the victim's protection needs. Approximately 550 people were subjected to checks over the course of the weekend, with the majority of these results yielding no findings, revealed the official.

10,000 individuals joined in the festivities of the Saxony-Anhalt day alone.

The event depicting a combination of cosmopolitan flair, thrilling activities, and tranquility, claimed deputy government spokeswoman Ute Albersmann. "This was truly a state celebration drawing together the entire state," expressed Stendal's independent mayor, Bastian Sieler.

The Saxony-Anhalt day concluded on Sunday with a parade spanning nearly one kilometer through the center of Stendal. The diverse character of the state was showcased, commended Minister President Reiner Haseloff (CDU) following the participation of around 3,000 participants.

The two-hour parade, which saw various regions showcased vividly, is hailed as the zenith of the largest folk festival in Saxony-Anhalt. Participating were associations and volunteers from the entire federal state, as per the organizers. Overall, 10,000 individuals were part of the Saxony-Anhalt day. The following state festival is slated for 2026 in Bernburg.

The organizers were considering the use of enhanced security measures for future events, learning from the Islamist incident in Solingen. Despite the use of these measures, only 23 criminal incidents were reported during the celebration, indicating a generally peaceful atmosphere.

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