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Approximately 11,000 kids and teens are involved in youth firefighting units.

About 11,000 kids and young adults participate in the youth fire departments across Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. However, not all of them transition to active firefighting roles as they grow older.

A blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine.
A blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine.

Data Analysis: - Approximately 11,000 kids and teens are involved in youth firefighting units.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's fire departments are experiencing a surge in the number of young people joining their ranks, a welcome development according to Hannes Möller, the head of the state firefighters' association. By the end of 2023, the 628 youth fire departments in the state boasted a membership of 10,931, an impressive increase of almost 600 from the previous year. "The trend is slightly positive," Möller remarked at the youth fire department delegates' meeting in Wismar over the weekend.

One contributing factor to this renewed interest in joining the firefighting ranks is the fire departments' involvement in schools. In 2018, the state association sealed a deal with the Ministry of Education, aiming to enhance the after-school program in the full-day school. This culminated in the launch of the "Firefighters make school" project.

But while the fire departments are basking in this renewed interest, there are still challenges. Rural areas present a particularly thorny problem, as young people often leave their communities to reside, work, or study in urban areas, making them unavailable for active fire department duty. On a brighter note, Möller noted that the number of females joining the youth firefighters' ranks is steadily growing. Currently, about 40% of the members are young women.

There are approximately 26,000 active emergency responders in the 965 voluntary fire departments in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. While there's been significant outflow of young people, the ongoing demographic changes pose a significant hurdle for these smaller communities to ensure their operational readiness.

Despite this, the technical side of the fire fighting game has made remarkable strides. The state government has allocated 50 million euros for the acquisition of new fire trucks and firefighting equipment. Likewise, 50 million euros are earmarked for the renovation or construction of fire station buildings. However, considering the backlog, these funds might not be enough.

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The increase in youth fire department membership in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has led to a reduction in statistics showing fires involving children, as more young people are learning fire safety techniques. The fire department associations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are planning to collaborate with local schools to further promote youth firefighting, aiming to encourage more children to join. Despite the positive trends, the rural areas of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania still face challenges in maintaining a sufficient number of active youth firefighters due to population migration.

