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approximate 15 million euros needed for winter maintenance in northern regions

Recently, winter services in Schleswig-Holstein have become much more expensive for various reasons.

A clearing and gritting vehicle is on the A7 highway between Kiel and Hamburg.
A clearing and gritting vehicle is on the A7 highway between Kiel and Hamburg.

Vehicular flow Road congestion Auto gridlock - approximate 15 million euros needed for winter maintenance in northern regions

Last winter, the Landesbetrieb für Straßenbau und Verkehr (LBV) invested approximately 15 million euros in creating slip-resistant streets and bike paths in Schleswig-Holstein. LBV's assistant director, Frank Quirmbach, said on Monday that they had navigated traffic participants through the Schleswig-Holstein region effectively during the winter season. For the upcoming 2022/2023 winter service, the LBV spent around 7.9 million euros.

About 500 road and cycle path workers systematically dispersed 26,400 tons of salt and 10,800 tons of brine across the region. In total, they dedicated 32,600 hours to this effort. There were 89 LBV vehicles and 207 private contractor vehicles deployed. The cost of the salt was 2.3 million euros, while the brine cost over a million euros. Additionally, 210,000 euros were allocated for safety and snow signs. Other operational expenses, such as vehicle and equipment deployment and labor costs, reached 7.3 million euros.

Despite having a short snow season, the workers were kept very busy. According to Transport Minister Claus Ruhe Madsen (CDU), the cold mornings contributed to many extreme frost-thaw cycles, which, in turn, caused significant damage to the roads. To address these damages, the winter service deployed about 1,700 tons of cold mix during the season.

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