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Approved 51 applications for acknowledging harm from corona vaccines.

People who believe they have experienced severe and lasting illness attributable to authorized COVID-19 vaccines can request compensation from the government. Nevertheless, the majority of such claims are denied.

An employee fills a syringe with a corona vaccine dose.
An employee fills a syringe with a corona vaccine dose.

Wellbeing - Approved 51 applications for acknowledging harm from corona vaccines.

Since the initiation of Corona vaccinations in late 2020, 51 claims for vaccine harm have been accepted in Lower Saxony. Most of these claims were denied, as the Health Ministry in Hanover revealed to the German Press Agency upon request. A total of 827 requests for recognition of vaccine damage related to Corona vaccinations were filed with the responsible State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family by April of this year, 437 of which were rejected. The status remained undecided in the remaining 339 instances.

A spokesperson for the ministry cited the lack of a firm correlation between the injection and preexisting health issues as the primary motive for dismissals. Those who endure permanent health impairments following a sanctioned vaccination qualify for treatment in accordance with the Federal Social Security Act. However, the harm must be acknowledged as a vaccine injury.

A negligible number of people suffer long-term health issues after immunization. More than 20 million Covid-19 vaccinations have been given out in Lower Saxony from the onset of the pandemic. Over 6.4 million citizens have received a shot at the very least. Only 0.01% of these recipients submitted a claim for acknowledgment of a vaccine injury.

Lower Saxony's Health Minister Andreas Philippi stressed that inoculations safeguard against severe disease courses and deaths. They also defend those who cannot shield themselves, such as infants or individuals with pre-existing conditions. "A variety of illnesses have been effectively eradicated through herd immunity," the SPD politician and doctor said to the dpa. "And with regard to Covid-19, there has been a reduction in the threat of the virus, and ultimately, the pandemic has been set aside owing to a large proportion of vaccinated people."

Philippi acknowledged that there might be health repercussions following immunizations in unusual circumstances. "We must not abandon these individuals, and thus, we support them with a wide-ranging counseling service," said the minister. A hotline was established in the summer of 2023 for long-Covid and supposed post-vaccinated individuals, which encompasses those who experience health concerns after immunization. Philippi stated: "The feedback demonstrates that this offer is warmly received."

According to the Paul-Ehrlich Institute that handles vaccines, "post-vaccination" is not a medically defined term for an illness. The institute contends that various persistent issues are categorized under this term, which are also connected to long or post-Covid.

The Long-Covid Information Portal of the Medical University of Hanover (MHH) states that symptoms include weariness, commonly referred to as fatigue, intolerance to effort, shortness of breath, neurocognitive difficulties such as trouble concentrating and memory loss, sleep disorders, and olfactory and gustatory disturbances.

Read also:

  1. In Lower Saxony, where 51 applications for acknowledging harm from Corona vaccines have been approved since late 2020, the Health Ministry has denied the majority of such claims.
  2. Andreas Philippi, Lower Saxony's Health Minister and an SPD politician, emphasizes that vaccinations protect against severe disease courses and deaths, as well as shielding those who cannot protect themselves.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that, out of the 827 requests for vaccine damage recognition related to Corona vaccinations filed in Lower Saxony by April, 437 were rejected, leaving 339 with undecided status.
  4. Despite the low number of people experiencing long-term health issues after immunization in Lower Saxony, with over 6.4 million citizens having received at least one shot, a hotline was established in the summer of 2023 to support those suffering from 'long-Covid' or vaccine-related health concerns.
  5. The Paul-Ehrlich Institute, responsible for managing vaccines, clarified that 'post-vaccination' is not a medically defined term for an illness, and various persistent issues are categorized under this term, which are also linked to long or post-Covid.
  6. According to the Long-Covid Information Portal of the Medical University of Hanover, Long-Covid symptoms may include fatigue, trouble concentrating and memory loss, sleep disorders, neurocognitive difficulties, and olfactory and gustatory disturbances.
  7. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of Corona vaccinations, the Lower Saxony BMG (Federal Ministry of Health) has been processing 51 approved claims of vaccine harm from individuals as of late 2020, with most claims being denied due to a lack of a firm correlation between the injection and preexisting health issues.
  8. Despite the recognition of vaccine harm in a small percentage of cases, COVID-19 vaccines continued to be widely distributed in Lower Saxony, with more than 20 million vaccinations given out since the beginning of the pandemic, ensuring herd immunity and reducing the severity of the virus's impact.



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