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Apartments searched and drugs seized

Detectives have searched several homes in the districts of Passau and Deggendorf and seized small quantities of marijuana and hashish, among other things, according to police reports on Thursday. The investigations were directed against several men between the ages of 24 and 43 who are said to...

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Drugs - Apartments searched and drugs seized

Detectives have searched several homes in the districts of Passau and Deggendorf and seized small quantities of marijuana and hashish, among other things, according to police reports on Thursday. The investigations were directed against several men between the ages of 24 and 43, who are said to have bought the drugs from a 39-year-old man from Plattling. He has already been under investigation for some time.

The 39-year-old is suspected of having been prescribed around eleven kilograms of marijuana by several doctors over a period of around one and a half years. The man had the marijuana sent to his home address via an online pharmacy. The costs, amounting to a six-figure sum, were borne by the health insurance company on the assumption of actual medical necessity, the police announced on Thursday.

In the course of the investigation, there were indications that two doctors from the districts of Deggendorf and Regen had not observed the legally prescribed maximum quantities for cannabis prescriptions. At the request of the public prosecutor's office in Deggendorf, police officers searched the 39-year-old's home and the two doctors' surgeries back in June. Written documents were seized as evidence.


Read also:

  1. The investigations in Lower Bavaria, specifically in Deggendorf and Passau, have led to the involvement of local authorities in the case, including the police.
  2. The suspected drug trafficker, a 39-year-old man from Plattling, is reported to have had the drugs delivered to his home, incurring significant expenses covered by his health insurance.
  3. Although the 39-year-old is under investigation for procuring large quantities of marijuana, there are allegations that some doctors in Passau and Deggendorf may have exceeded legally permissible cannabis prescription limits.
  4. The men suspected of purchasing drugs from the 39-year-old reside in different parts of Lower Bavaria, such as the areas surrounding Deggendorf and Passau.
  5. This incidence of drug-related activity in Lower Bavaria, specifically in Deggendorf and Passau, underscores the broader issue of criminality in the region, necessitating proactive measures from law enforcement agencies.


