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Apartments in Eichsfeld with the most space

In Thuringia, apartments are on average just under 87 square meters in size, regardless of the form of ownership. Census data reveals differences between larger cities and rural areas.

From prefabricated buildings to owner-occupied homes - for the census, the State Statistical Office...
From prefabricated buildings to owner-occupied homes - for the census, the State Statistical Office also recorded the number of apartments and their size. On average, people in Thuringia live in just under 87 square meters of living space.

Statistics - Apartments in Eichsfeld with the most space

People in the Eichsfeld district have the most living space in Thuringia. On average, tenants and homeowners in this north Thuringian district live in approximately 102 square meters of living space, according to recently released Census data for 2022 from the Thuringian State Statistical Office. Housing or apartments with around 100 square meters of living space are also common in the Hildburghausen district. The statisticians reported an average of 86.6 square meters per dwelling. Housing units in the free cities were noticeably smaller.

People had the least space in their homes in Gera, with an average of 72.5 square meters. This was followed by Jena (73 square meters), Erfurt (74.3), Suhl (77.4), and Weimar (78.8). The Altenburger Land district had the smallest living space in dwellings, with around 80.1 square meters.

The Census 2022 revealed a total of 1,167,277 housing units in the Free State. Compared to the 2011 survey, this represented a growth of 0.5 percent or 5,238 housing units. Census data are collected at intervals, providing information on long-term developments.

In contrast, Erfurt, despite having less living space compared to other districts, is still one of the most populous cities in Thuringia. The average living space in Erfurt is approximately 74.3 square meters, as mentioned in the Census 2022 statistics. Statistically speaking, Hildburghausen, another district in Thuringia, offers slightly more living space with an average of 86.6 square meters. Furthermore, Eichsfeld, known for its expansive living spaces, is located in the northern part of Thuringia.

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