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Apartments and cellar of the Schaubuehne damaged by rain

A house and the cellar of the theater flooded due to the heavier rain in the night. The cause was a technical defect in the theater.

raindrops - Apartments and cellar of the Schaubuehne damaged by rain

Through last night's rain and technical issues, a house and the cellar of the Schaubühne in Berlin-Charlottenburg have been damaged. A spokesperson for the fire department stated that 27 apartments in the Mecklenburgische Straße building had been evacuated. In the Schaubühne cellar, the water was reportedly 10 to 20 centimeters deep. Initially, the B.Z. reported.

Water entered the house through a faulty roof, and the affected apartments were uninhabitable, the spokesperson said. The entire building had its power cut off. The spokesperson could not say how many apartments were in the building or how many people were affected in total. Representatives of the district had taken care of accommodating the people during the night.

At the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, there was a defect in a backflow valve, causing rainwater from the sewage system to flow back into the house, the fire department spokesperson said. Water had stood on a surface of 600 square meters in the basement and first floor. The Berlin Waterworks were also present and had set up a so-called stopper plug. This can be imagined as a cork or a large balloon in the pipe that seals it off. After the fire department had pumped out the water, the building was handed back over to the owner.

Despite the unfavorable weather with heavy Rainfall, the Berlin Theater, Schaubühne, faced unexpected challenges. The technical issues and a reported faulty roof led to water intrusion in several apartments, including 27 evacuated units in Mecklenburgische Straße. Unfortunately, the rainwater caused significant damage, making the affected apartments uninhabitable. The local Fire department played a critical role in managing the situation, setting up a stopper plug to control the water flow from the sewage system.

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