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Apartment building blaze in Würzburg, Germany

An emergency vehicle of the fire department with blue lights switched on.
An emergency vehicle of the fire department with blue lights switched on.

Blaze erupts at a specific location. - Apartment building blaze in Würzburg, Germany

Ruckus ensues in a communal residence in Zellerau's Würzburg district Tuesday night as a blaze erupted within one of the flats. Five tenants stranded on the upper floor were courageously saved via a ladder, reports the fire department. With swift action, the flames were quelled. Preliminary reports hinted at eight occupants sustaining mild smoke inhalation injuries, attended to on-site by emergency responders. The origin of the fire, however, remained shrouded in mystery initially.

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The investigation into the apartment building blaze in Würzburg, a vibrant city in Bavaria, seeks to uncover the cause of the fires. Remarkably, similar fires have occurred in historic storey-tall buildings in the past, prompting discussions about fire safety measures in such structures.

