- Anticipated weather disturbances: Thunderous downpours and hail, reaching temperatures of around 30 degrees.
Weather forecasters predict rain showers and intense storms in parts of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland on Monday. They might originate in the southeast and move their way north-east, according to the German Weather Service (DWD) based in Offenbach. At times, the DWD issues alerts for highly intense storms, bringing strong winds and hail. Expect another scorching summer day, with temperatures hovering between 27 and 30 degrees, a noticeable drop in higher Eifel regions to around 25 degrees.
On Tuesday, the atmosphere will be partly overcast, with occasional rain showers and powerful storms with heavy downpours, particularly in the eastern regions. Temperatures will fluctuate between 24 and 28 degrees. Heavy shower storms might also hit at night, bringing down temperatures between 15 and 10 degrees.
Wednesday will remain unpredictable, with temperatures capped at 26 degrees.
The rain showers and intense storms predicted for Monday in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland may significantly impact outdoor activities due to the severe weather conditions. The German Weather Service has issued alerts for highly intense storms on certain days, warning of strong winds and hail.