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Anticipated Enhancement: Southwest Potentially Yields More Delicious Apples

Across Germany, numerous apple farmers are experiencing hardships. Frost and hail have significantly impacted their crop yield. Contrastingly, Baden-Württemberg predicts a higher apple harvest compared to the previous year.

This year's apple crop is estimated to reach around 360,000 metric tons, with southwest orchard...
This year's apple crop is estimated to reach around 360,000 metric tons, with southwest orchard farmers looking forward to a promising yield.

- Anticipated Enhancement: Southwest Potentially Yields More Delicious Apples

Southwest apple farmers are still looking at a decent yield, despite confronting rain, hailstorms, and frost. The projected yield is approximately 360,000 tons, which is about 16% higher than the previous year, as per the State Statistical Office. These numbers are derived from data gathered in August by harvest reporters.

In spite of intense rainfall and local hail and frost occurrences, we're anticipating a promising yield. However, it falls short of the average yield from the previous six years, which was 380,000 tons. About 40% of this year's apples will be from the varieties Elstar, Gala, Jonagold, and Braeburn.

German apple harvest experiences significant setbacks in certain regions

On a national scale, the apple harvest predictions are as low as they've been in seven years. The Federal Statistical Office initially projected a harvest of 734,000 tons - a decline of over 20% compared to the previous year. The primary reasons involve frost and hail damage in regions like Thuringia and Saxony. Heavy rainfall and consistently damp, cool weather also impacted fruit development.

The losses from the east can be as high as 90%. Consequently, it's estimated that around three-quarters of Germany's apple harvest this year will stem from major growing areas in Baden-Württemberg (Lake Constance) and Lower Saxony (Old Land).

Cherry harvest sees a substantial upswing

The cherry harvest this year showed considerable improvement compared to last. The yield of sweet cherries in 2024 was 17,800 tons - a 30% increase from the previous year, but about 4% below the six-year average. The quantity of sour cherries was 3,900 tons. This is more than four times the dismal yield of the previous year and almost double the six-year average.

Despite the challenges faced by Southwest apple farmers, they're expected to harvest a substantial amount of apples. The harvested apples this year are projected to amount to about 333,200 tons, given the aforementioned weather conditions.

Unfortunately, the setbacks in certain German apple-growing regions have led to a significant decrease in the overall apple harvest in Germany. Although Southwest apple farmers are expected to harvest a decent amount, the overall apple yield is predicted to be around 545,000 tons, a considerable decrease compared to previous years.

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