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Anticipated diminishment of agricultural pesticides in farming areas.

In the agricultural sector, it's crucial to enhance nature's preservation. This can be achieved by minimizing the use of pesticides on cultivated lands. Yet, the government appears to favor other strategies besides imposing bans.

Reduction of pesticide usage in agricultural fields is part of the strategy proposed by the federal...
Reduction of pesticide usage in agricultural fields is part of the strategy proposed by the federal ministry of agriculture.

- Anticipated diminishment of agricultural pesticides in farming areas.

The intended decrease in the application of agricultural pesticides on farmlands is under consideration, as outlined by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) in Berlin proposed that farmers should still be able to safeguard and care for their plants as necessary. However, the preservation of biodiversity indicates that maintaining the status quo isn't a viable solution. The philosophy should be: "Use as much as necessary, and as little as possible." The objective is to indirectly reduce the use of agricultural pesticides by half by 2030.

Özdemir proposed a plan comprising various initiatives, focusing on collaboration, encouragement, guidance, and innovation. "We're gravitating towards economic incentives and sustainable farming practices, as opposed to prohibitions," said Özdemir. Key areas of focus include genetically resistant plant species and the improved availability of natural pest control methods. The objective of expanding organic farming to 30% by 2030 is also highlighted.

The Minister underscored the existing advancements in the industry, like the increased utilization of wildflower strips or technological advancements to better apply agricultural pesticides precisely. However, the climate crisis means that complete reliance on organic farming is not feasible, as pesticides are still essential to combat diseases like fungal infestations or excessive moisture. Nonetheless, it's undeniable that natural and organic methods for promoting growth should be prioritized.

The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) labeled the program as an initial working draft, but insisted on the need for more binding commitments.

The Minister's plan for reducing agricultural pesticide use includes promoting genetically resistant plant species and enhancing the availability of natural pest control methods, both of which are crucial components in the agriculture sector. By 2030, the objective is to expand organic farming to 30%, which will help reduce the overall reliance on chemical pesticides in agriculture.

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