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Anti-bureaucracy coalition gets underway

At a gathering in the State Chancellery, officials from associations and Minister Pentz ponder ways to decrease bureaucracy in Hesse. The CDU member acknowledges it's a monumental undertaking.

Manfred Pentz (CDU), Hesse's Minister for the Federal Government, Europe, International Affairs and...
Manfred Pentz (CDU), Hesse's Minister for the Federal Government, Europe, International Affairs and Bureaucracy Reduction.

Government body managing affairs - Anti-bureaucracy coalition gets underway

In Hesse, state officials plan to decrease pointless bureaucracy. To achieve this, Entbureaucratization Minister Manfred Pentz (CDU) hosted the initial gathering of the new "Alliance Against Bureaucracy" at the State Chancellery in Wiesbaden on Monday. The black-red government had agreed in their coalition contract to pursue a work plan for reducing unnecessary bureaucracy.

To start, representatives from 16 organizations were invited, ranging from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce to the state's Youth Council. The primary objective is to simplify funding applications for municipal initiatives and make it smoother for towns and cities to operate. The minister also wants to speed up planning and approval processes and improve the administrative procedure's user-friendliness.

The primary concentration of efforts should be on improving the land itself. The state also plans to participate in similar projects at the federal and European levels, according to Pentz. Entbureaucratization is a big undertaking that can't be handled by one person alone, which is why other organizations and institutions are invited to collaborate. This must be done with solid justifications and a lot of convincing, said the minister. The State Chancellery has also established a staff unit for entbureaucratization, which serves as a network of experts from various ministries. No new personnel were hired for this purpose.

Read also:

  1. The CDU's Manfred Pentz, as the Entbureaucratization Minister in the black-red government of Hesse, led the coalition's agreement to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy at the State Chancellery in Wiesbaden.
  2. In line with the coalition agreement, the new "Alliance Against Bureaucracy" was initiated in Wiesbaden, inviting representatives from 16 organizations including the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Youth Council to simplify funding applications and streamline operations.
  3. To spearhead entbureaucratization efforts, Manfred Pentz emphasized the need for collaboration with other organizations and institutions, noting that this complex task required solid justifications and persuasive arguments.
  4. The State Chancellery in Hesse established a staff unit charged with entbureaucratization, using existing experts from various ministries without adding new personnel to the cause.



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