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Another warning strike by teachers and university employees

Teachers and university employees in Saxony have once again called a warning strike on Wednesday. One day before the next round of collective bargaining for state employees, the unions want to put the pressure on once again. They are planning a central rally in front of the Ministry of Finance...

"Warning strike!" is written on a sign.
"Warning strike!" is written on a sign.

Tariffs - Another warning strike by teachers and university employees

Teachers and university employees in Saxony have once again called a warning strike on Wednesday. One day before the next round of collective bargaining for state employees, the unions want to put the pressure on once again. They are planning a central rally in front of the Ministry of Finance in Dresden in the morning.

Teachers were already called to strike last week. According to the unions, more than 7,000 people from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia took part in a rally in Leipzig. The effects at the schools varied - from emergency care being provided to largely scheduled lessons.

The next round of collective bargaining with the federal states is planned for Thursday in Potsdam. Among other things, the unions are demanding a 10.5 percent pay rise, but at least 500 euros. Salary increases for around 2.5 million employees are being negotiated nationwide.

Link Deutscher Beamtenbund Link Sächsischer Lehrerverband

Read also:

  1. The BMF (Bundesbeamtenbund) and the Sächsischer Lehrerverband, representing teachers and university employees in Saxony, are strongly advocating for a significant salary increase during the upcoming collective bargaining negotiations in Potsdam.
  2. The university employees and teachers in Dresden are set to participate in striking actions, not only themselves but also calling for demonstrations and student participation in protests against the current tariff situation.
  3. The strike action by teachers and university employees in Saxony has been gaining momentum, with numerous schools in Dresden and other cities reporting disruptions in their education modules due to the strikes and related demonstrations.
  4. As a response to the ongoing warning strikes, the universities and schools in Saxony have implemented contingency plans, including emergency care provision and rescheduling lessons, to mitigate the impact on students' learning.
  5. Saxony's education sector might soon face a wave of protests and strikes, as various education unions, including BMF and Sächsischer Lehrerverband, have not ruled out further warning strikes and demonstrations if the state government fails to meet their demands for increased wages and improved working conditions.


