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Another dam could potentially burst in Pfaffenhofen's region.

In Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm's Upper Bavarian region, a different dam is causing concern as it may burst. This potential rupture could lead to the collapse of another dam on the Paar River, which is part of the Danube, within the Manching catchment area, say district officials.

Aerial photographs show the Ilm bursting its banks. It is to be expected that the water levels will...
Aerial photographs show the Ilm bursting its banks. It is to be expected that the water levels will continue to rise.

Tidal Wave Causes Inundation - Another dam could potentially burst in Pfaffenhofen's region.

Officials urged people living in the towns of Rottmannshart, Westenhausen, Lindach, Ernsgaden, Irsching, and Knodorf to relocate to higher floors. The Federal Office for Population Protection and Disaster Relief has issued an "Extreme Danger" alert for these regions.

Prior to this situation, a dam had been breached in two spots within the jurisdiction of Baar-Ebenhausen, causing unyielding water to rise up.

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