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Anonymous tip: Police search for body at the lake

A tip-off to the police mentions a body near a lake north of Munich. The emergency services begin a thorough search.

A police patrol car with its flashing blue lights on.
A police patrol car with its flashing blue lights on.

Emergencies - Anonymous tip: Police search for body at the lake

Police and fire forces searched the Garchinger See north of Munich on a Wednesday, following an anonymous tip that a body was present there, according to a police spokesperson.

The fire department searched the lake according to the report with a boat, while the police also deployed a drone and a thermal imaging camera. The search remained fruitless initially. The police intended to decide on further measures during the course of the Wednesday. Since the anonymous tip contained no details, it was difficult to find further investigation leads, the spokesperson added.

  1. The operational force of the Police and Fire department continued their search in Garching, nearing Munich and Bavaria, as the day progressed, still no findings reported.
  2. The Police department in Munich's Bavaria region is considering additional emergency measures due to an ongoing investigation at Garchinger See, following an anonymous tip.
  3. Despite using a boat, drone, and thermal imaging camera, the emergency response teams from the Police and Fire department found no body at Garchinger See near Munich.
  4. The Police Department in Munich, Bavaria, called for the immediate readiness of their operational force, urging for continuous collaboration with the Fire Department during the ongoing emergency operation at Garchinger See.

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