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Annual graffiti removal in Dresden amounts to approximately 70,000 euros.

Dresden's state capital, Saxony, spends tens of thousands of euros annually to eliminate unlawful graffiti from public buildings. So far in 2023, contracts worth 60,000 euros have been allocated, according to a city hall announcement on Monday. This is close to the entirety of the yearly budget...

A sprayer sprays a wall.
A sprayer sprays a wall.

Open area for all to access and use - Annual graffiti removal in Dresden amounts to approximately 70,000 euros.

Along with illumination, clearance, and punishment, law-abiding graffiti art is being strongly championed and spaces made available for it, as per Donhauser. There are already six designated areas in the city that are well utilized. It's crucial to have zero tolerance towards unlawful graffiti and vandalism, Donhauser emphasized. To diminish them, increased understanding between graffiti artists and skeptics is also suggested.

The government spends an average of 70,000 euros each year to erase illegal graffiti from public structures, they revealed. The frequency of this unsanctioned activity is rising, as bridges, transportation facilities, and sporting venues are increasingly defaced. A total of 150,000 euros has been earmarked annually since 2021 for prevention and cleaning.

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