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Anniversary celebration involving a creative contest for the Basic Law

Kids from nurseries and schools have imaginatively delved into celebrating the anniversary of the Basic Law, and they've been recognized for their creativity with awards.

The Schauspielhaus in Hanover.
The Schauspielhaus in Hanover.

Recognition ceremony for awardees - Anniversary celebration involving a creative contest for the Basic Law

The German state of Lower Saxony celebrated an event honoring creative contest winners based on the country's constitution, known as the Basic Law. Around 250 schools and kindergartens participated with about 400 submissions, surpassing previous competitions. Participants engaged in painting, crafting, writing, and filming for their projects.

The top ten winners received 200 to 2000 euros in different age groups, with honorary awards going to certain schools for their creativity. In the secondary school category, Gymnasium Oedeme in Lüneburg stole the show with a captivating film. Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium in Seelze near Hannover dominated the upper secondary and vocational schools with their innovative metal sculpture.

The Elisabeth-Grundschule in Osnabrück impressed with their video showcasing hand gestures related to the Basic Law, awarding them the honorary prize. Kindergartens also showcased their talents, with the Erna-de-Vries-School in Lathen winning in the Emsland region with a fascinating theater piece titled "The basic rights protect us - protect them!". The German Red Cross kindergarten in Dollern near Hamburg secured the honorary award through a catchy, self-written song.

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The awards ceremony for the winners of the creative contest honoring the Basic Law in Lower Saxony took place in Hannover, the state's capital. The success of the competition led to increased collaboration between schools and kindergartens in the region, emphasizing the importance of educating children about the Basic Law. The winning Kindergarten, Erna-de-Vries-School in Lathen, demonstrated creativity with their theater piece, reinforcing the significance of basic rights in early learning environments.



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