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Animal treats at the zoo

Every year, Osnabrück Zoo offered free admission for children up to the age of 16 on Christmas Eve. Many families took advantage of the offer despite the rainy weather. In a competition, four families were given the chance to take part in gift-wrapping for the animals. Among others, a wolverine...

A wolverine curiously examines a cardboard box in rainy weather on Christmas Eve at Osnabrück
A wolverine curiously examines a cardboard box in rainy weather on Christmas Eve at Osnabrück Zoo.

Christmas - Animal treats at the zoo

Every year, Osnabrück Zoo offered free admission for children up to the age of 16 on Christmas Eve. Many families took advantage of the offer despite the rainy weather. In a competition, four families were given the chance to take part in gift-wrapping for the animals. Among others, a wolverine and a reindeer were presented with a box with the inscription "Merry Christmas" - packed with treats.

Osnabrück Zoo

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