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Analysis: Only a few students make use of state subsidies

According to a study, most students in Bavaria are financially supported by their parents or work part-time. State support plays a rather minor role. This triggers criticism.

Students sit in a university lecture hall.
Students sit in a university lecture hall.

Education - Analysis: Only a few students make use of state subsidies

Fewer students in Bavaria make use of student grants, state loans or scholarships than the national average. According to an analysis published on Friday by the CHE Center for Higher Education Development in Gütersloh, at least 85.7 percent of students in Bavaria do without them. Nationwide, the figure is 83.8 percent. Only in Thuringia (87.3 percent), Hamburg (86.9 percent) and Saarland (85.8 percent) are the funding opportunities used even less frequently than in Bavaria.

According to the analysis, 38,234 students in Bavaria received BaföG in 2022, 4,244 had a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship and 50,10 had a scholarship from the Begabtenförderwerke. 1523 took out a KfW student loan and 666 an education loan.

According to the analysis, financial support from parents and part-time jobs are the most important sources of student funding. "The fact that at least 84 percent of students in Germany are now unable or unwilling to make use of state support services for financing their studies shows the urgent need for reform," emphasized study author Ulrich Müller in Gütersloh.

For most of the almost three million students currently studying in Germany, the state offers are hardly of any significance and there is an urgent need for action. "If we leave the system of student financing in Germany as it is at the moment, success at university will increasingly depend on whether you have rich parents or are enrolled on a flexible degree course that is compatible with a part-time job," Müller criticized according to the press release. "Neither of these has much to do with equitable participation in higher education."

At 23.7 percent, Saxony has the highest proportion of students who make use of state offers in a state comparison. Almost one in four students there uses state funding.

Read also:

  1. In contrast, students in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, known for cities like Cologne and Düsseldorf, utilize state subsidies more frequently than the national average.
  2. The 'center for university development' in Gütersloh, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, conducted a comprehensive analysis on the usage of state financial aids by students across Germany.
  3. Ulrich Müller, a scholar in higher education, who hails from Hamburg, strongly advocated for reforms in the current student financing system during a press conference held in Gütersloh.
  4. The analysis revealed that universities in Bavaria, including those in cities like Munich, received the least number of scholarships from Begabtenförderwerke compared to other states in Germany.
  5. Finances remain a significant challenge for many students, prompting them to seek additional income sources such as part-time jobs or support from their families.
  6. Interestingly, students in the state of Bavaria, renowned for its world-class universities and scenic beauty, received the least number of student loans from KfW compared to other states.
  7. The report also highlighted the need for universities in Bavaria, such as those in the universities of Munich and Erlangen-Nuremberg, to focus on providing more financial aid and scholarships to its students.
  8. In light of these findings, policymakers and educators in Bavaria, Saarland, and other states with lower usage of state subsidies are expected to consider implementing strategies to make higher education more financially accessible to students from diverse social backgrounds.


