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Analysis of measures taken concerning the Hanau Report's suggestions.

The Hanau Investigation Committee's concluding report proposes 60 measures. How many of these are currently being implemented? Minister Poseck offers updates on the current situation.

A file labeled "Hanau Investigation Committee" lies on a table.
A file labeled "Hanau Investigation Committee" lies on a table.

Radicalism - Analysis of measures taken concerning the Hanau Report's suggestions.

Six months after the deliberation of the Hanau Investigation Committee's final report in the Hessian Parliament, the Interior Minister, Roman Poseck (CDU), will disclose on Thursday (9:00 am) which of the 60 actionable suggestions have been enacted. The 750-page concluding statement presented various actions to be taken, many of which fall under the authority of the Interior Ministry, as stated by the ministry in Wiesbaden.

On February 19, 2020, a German assailant shot down nine youngsters for racist motivations in Hanau, subsequently killing his own mother and committing suicide. The Investigation Committee delved into potential lessons that could be inferred from how the incident was managed or what could still be put in place. The final report was endorsed by the Landtag in December 2023.

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