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Analysis: little use made of state student funding in NRW

According to a study, only a few students in North Rhine-Westphalia finance their studies with the help of Bafög. Last year, 83,267 students in North Rhine-Westphalia made use of state Bafög funding, which accounted for 11.1 percent, according to an analysis published on Friday by the CHE...

Students sit in a lecture in a university lecture hall.
Students sit in a lecture in a university lecture hall.

Education - Analysis: little use made of state student funding in NRW

According to a study, only a few students in North Rhine-Westphalia finance their studies with the help of Bafög. Last year, 83,267 students in North Rhine-Westphalia made use of state Bafög funding, which accounted for 11.1 percent, according to an analysis published on Friday by the CHE Center for Higher Education Development. According to the study, state instruments such as scholarships played an even smaller role. And only 3053 new students took out a student loan from the state development bank KfW in 2022. In contrast, almost 70 percent of students were employed - this figure relates to 2021.

According to the CHE analysis, around five out of six students nationwide did not make use of Bafög, state loans or scholarships in 2022. Financial support from parents and part-time jobs are the most important sources of student financing, emphasized study author Ulrich Müller according to the press release. There is a need for reform. If the system of student financing in Germany remains unchanged, "in future, success at university will depend more and more on whether you have rich parents or are enrolled on a flexible degree course that is compatible with part-time jobs". This does not have much to do with "equitable participation in higher education".

For the winter semester 2022/23, the Bafög rate was raised from 427 to 452 euros per month - as a basic requirement - which many had criticized as insufficient in view of inflation. On average, students in NRW received around 605 euros per month in 2022, according to the CHE. According to the Federal Ministry of Education, Bafög funding is to be increased by 150 million euros in 2024.

Read also:

  1. Despite the low utilization of Bafög in North Rhine-Westphalia, there are several Universities located in Gütersloh, offering diverse educational opportunities for students.
  2. The KfW Banking Group, with its center for university development, could potentially explore strategies to encourage more students in NRW to avail of student loans, contributing to their financial stability during their studies.
  3. The social implications of the current student financing system in North Rhine-Westphalia, as highlighted by the study, necessitate a comprehensive review and possible reforms to ensure equitable participation in higher education for all students.
  4. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the increase in Bafög rates for the winter semester 2022/23 didn't significantly cover the rising costs of living, causing concern among students and advocacy groups.
  5. The CHE Center for Higher Education Development has pointed out that the lack of use of state-funded scholarships and loans in North Rhine-Westphalia underscores the need for alternative financial support mechanisms, such as targeted grants or work-study programs, to assist students facing financial hardships.
  6. The Federal Ministry of Education's plans to increase Bafög funding by 150 million euros in 2024 may help alleviate some of the financial pressure on students in North Rhine-Westphalia, particularly in light of the critical discussion surrounding the current student financing system in the state.


