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An environmental group urges for a census of insects.

Nabu Thuringia is urging the public to participate in the "Insect Summer" campaign by counting insects in their local environment. Participants are asked to devote one hour to observing and documenting the six-legged creatures in their vicinity during one of the two scheduled periods, which are...

A fire bug (Pyrrhocoridae) from the bug family (Heteroptera).
A fire bug (Pyrrhocoridae) from the bug family (Heteroptera).

Nature's Conservation: Preserving the Planet - An environmental group urges for a census of insects.

To ignite a passion for nature exploration, the Nature Conservation Union (NABU) encourages people to focus on firebugs this summer. These distinctive insects with black-red skin are harmless towards humans, and they're considered beneficial for gardens as they consume not just plant seeds, but also insect and snail eggs.

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