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Amthor sees his place in Berlin rather than Schwerin

With a view to future elections, Philipp Amthor, a CDU member of the Bundestag from Western Pomerania, sees his place in Berlin rather than Schwerin. "I want Friedrich Merz to become Federal Chancellor and will fight for this with all my heart and soul. My political place is also in the...

Philipp Amthor (CDU), Member of the Bundestag, speaks in the Bundestag.
Philipp Amthor (CDU), Member of the Bundestag, speaks in the Bundestag.

CDU Member of the Bundestag - Amthor sees his place in Berlin rather than Schwerin

With a view to future elections, Philipp Amthor, a CDU member of the Bundestag from Western Pomerania, sees his place in Berlin rather than Schwerin. "I want Friedrich Merz to become Federal Chancellor and will fight for this with all my heart and soul. My political place is also in the Bundestag," the politician told the "Ostsee-Zeitung". The CDU has a very good state parliamentary group in Schwerin under the leadership of Franz-Robert Liskow. "The Schwerin state chancellery should be recaptured from there."

Despite poll results that recently showed the AfD clearly in the lead in the event of state elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, followed by the SPD and only then the CDU, Amthor was optimistic: "The CDU poll results are also rising in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and I am firmly convinced that this trend will continue to develop in the right direction."

Among other things, Amthor criticized the citizen's income as anti-benefit. The CDU wants to replace this with a new system that focuses on "work instead of a hammock". The citizen's income is due to be increased in 2024. Supporters point out that the money will secure livelihoods in the face of rising costs, including for employees who top up their wages.

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