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Amputation injuries: 28 patients in the accident hospital

28 people have now been treated at the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (UKB) for serious injuries caused by New Year's Eve fireworks. A 15-year-old boy was treated in the early hours of the New Year, a hospital spokeswoman said. The UKB spoke of "dramatic amputation injuries" in some cases. Two men...

In the rescue center of the BG Klinikum Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin.
In the rescue center of the BG Klinikum Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin.

Berlin - Amputation injuries: 28 patients in the accident hospital

28 people have now been treated at the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (UKB) for serious injuries caused by New Year's Eve fireworks. A 15-year-old boy was treated in the early hours of New Year's Day, according to a hospital spokeswoman. The UKB spoke of "dramatic amputation injuries" in some cases. Two men had lost a hand, the spokeswoman reported.

Blast injuries to the hands and face, serious eye injuries and burns were reported, the clinic said on the online platform X (formerly Twitter). The UKB spokesperson added that people who were watching fireworks being set off were often injured in the eyes. With one exception, all patients were male.

The hospital had significantly increased its operating capacity on New Year's Eve. "Our team of hand surgeons is already warming up for this night's surgical marathon in several operating theaters," the hospital announced on Sunday.

Before New Year's Eve, the hospital had written that the hand surgeons had evaluated serious firework injuries: 97 percent of the firework victims were men, and many injuries were permanent. In the The tip is: "Hands off illegal firecrackers, otherwise hands off."

Post UKB

Read also:

  1. Despite the increase in precautions, several men ended up at the accident hospital in Berlin on New Year's Eve due to firework-related injuries, with some requiring amputations.
  2. The accident hospital in Berlin, Germany, reported an influx of emergencies related to New Year's Eve fireworks, with men being the majority of the injured parties, suffering from injuries such as blast injuries, eye injuries, and burns.
  3. In the aftermath of the New Year's Eve celebrations in Berlin, the accident hospital noted an unexpected turn of events, with the majority of patients being men, some of whom had sustained permanent injuries, including amputations.
  4. Warnings about the dangers of illegal firecrackers proved insufficient, as men continued to ignore the advice, resulting in a surge of injuries at the accident hospital in Berlin on New Year's Eve.
  5. In the spirit of promoting health and safety, the accident hospital in Berlin issued a reminder to the public to handle fireworks responsibly, emphasizing the importance of avoiding illegal firecrackers in order to prevent serious injuries and accidents.




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