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Ample sunshine in Berlin and Brandenburg; potential for local thunderstorms.

Berlin and Brandenburg residents are predicted to have a mainly warm Sunday, though with the potential for local thunderstorms, as stated by the German Weather Service. A DWD meteorologist comments, "Brandenburg and Berlin are experiencing full sunshine today, but expect some 'very local...

The sun's rays emerge from behind a dark cloud above the television tower.
The sun's rays emerge from behind a dark cloud above the television tower.

The current weather conditions. - Ample sunshine in Berlin and Brandenburg; potential for local thunderstorms.

The northern regions of Brandenburg near Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, such as Prignitz, Oberhavel, and Uckermark, along with areas east of Berlin, are predicted to experience heavy rainfall. It's estimated that 15 to 25 liters of rain may fall per square meter, with the north potentially seeing up to 35 liters. Small hail might also occur, accompanied by gusts reaching 70 kilometers per hour.

In Berlin and the surrounding areas, the probability of storms is comparatively lower. Sunday's highs are forecasted to be 23 to 26 degrees Celsius. On Monday night, the temperature will plummet to 12 to 15 degrees with gentle winds. Cloud cover is anticipated on Monday, but some breaks will occur as well, with temperatures still ranging from 23 to 26 degrees. Potential showers, thunderstorms, hail, and squalls are expected in the afternoon and evening. Tuesday's evening hours will see a surge of clouds, reaching a maximum temperature of 14 degrees. The clouds and rain will linger on Tuesday, with estimated temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees.

Read also:

  1. Despite the ample sunshine in Berlin and Brandenburg, areas such as Prignitz, Upper Havel, and eastern parts of Brandenburg, including Uckermark, are predicted to face heavy rainfall on Sunday.
  2. The Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) has forecasted rainfall ranges of 15 to 25 liters per square meter in these regions, with the northernmost areas potentially receiving up to 35 liters.
  3. Thunderstorms, hail, and gusts reaching 70 kilometers per hour might also occur in these areas, making Sunday a potentially challenging weather day in Prignitz, Upper Havel, Uckermark, and other northern regions.
  4. In contrast, Berlin and its surrounding areas are predicted to have a comparatively lower probability of storms, with high temperatures forecasted to be between 23 to 26 degrees Celsius on Sunday.
  5. However, potential showers, thunderstorms, hail, and squalls are expected in the afternoon and evening in Berlin, which is located in the heart of Brandenburg, and these weather conditions are expected to persist into Tuesday.
  6. Meanwhile, residents in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and parts of Brandenburg, such as Potsdam, might still be dealing with the aftermath of heavy rainfall and severe weather conditions from Sunday, while weather in Berlin and other parts of Brandenburg continue to fluctuate.




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