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Ample proof exists supporting the notion of an AI boom.

DeepL asserts to its users that it serves as the most accurate translation tool globally.
DeepL asserts to its users that it serves as the most accurate translation tool globally.

Ample proof exists supporting the notion of an AI boom.

DeepL has become Germany's most valuable AI startup in terms of value, surpassing two billion US dollars. The competition from giants like Google Translate and ChatGPT has had to step up their game. "They've improved over time, but so have we," states DeepL founder Kutylowski in a podcast interview.

The German startup, DeepL, has made a name for itself by providing top-notch translations in 33 languages. Even established US competitors like Google Translate and ChatGPT have had to raise their game. "They've improved over time, but so have we," says DeepL founder Jarek Kutylowski in the ntv podcast "Startup - Now tell the truth." The DeepL founder also mentions signs of an AI bubble, with some expectations not being met as he puts it. It took some time to secure an interview with you. Why have you been avoiding the spotlight?

Jarek Kutylowski: Our primary focus has been on developing the product and the technology. I'm not a public speaker and I believe in focusing on something fully before moving on to the next thing.*

And now you are open to talking?

Now that the company has grown to a certain size, it has become part of the ecosystem. I'm happy to contribute now.*

DeepL is now worth over two billion euros and is Germany's most valued AI startup. Does this make you feel proud?

Yes, to an extent. But I'm more proud of the impact we're making. Many people have expressed how our service has improved their lives, enabling them to work effectively in an international environment despite lacking perfect language skills.*

But this also means a significant responsibility. Tens of millions of people rely on your product. Governments, businesses, and media are among your users. Are you aware of this?

We've had a commitment to delivering high-quality translations since DeepL's inception in 2017. Our mission has been to maintain a high standard and ensure that translations can be relied upon.*

Your new models outperformed the competition's models in internal tests, including Google and ChatGPT.

Our translation quality has always been leading in this field. Our dedication to research and the pursuit of AI quality is the reason behind this.*

Yet, how can a small startup from Cologne surpass multimillion-dollar US firms in terms of performance?

We're no longer a small startup. We currently have over a thousand employees and have a global presence. When considering the efforts of big tech companies in the area of translation, they face the challenge of addressing multiple problems. We focus solely on translation, drawing from our European heritage and passion for languages.*

Are you worried that Microsoft or Google will continue to improve and surpass you?

They've improved, yes, but so have we. I feel confident about our standing.*

In a recent interview, you declared a "turning point in the AI boom." Companies are starting to differentiate between marketing hype and secure, reliable AI solutions with real business value. Is this a challenge to your competition?

*Our customers have been voicing these sentiments and it's also a development we are witnessing. After the initial excitement, we must assess the real-world problems that AI can solve. In the case of translations, while some content can be translated automatically, others require human intervention for critical documents. Thesame considerations must be made when evaluating the potential of different AI solutions.

Is the current AI landscape showing signs of a bubble?

There are certainly indications of a bubble. After the initial boom, there is typically a phase of disappointment.*

What would you consider as evidence of a bubble?

It's a natural progression in the development of every technology. After the initial enthusiasm, there's inevitably a period of disillusionment.*

Janna Linke spoke with Jaroslaw Kutylowski. The interview was edited for better understanding and coherence. You can listen to the full conversation in the ntv podcast "Startup - Now completely honest."

The following is a list of DeepL's accomplishments that have made it Germany's most valuable AI startup, surpassing competitors like Google Translate and ChatGPT.

Despite the improvements made by these competitors, DeepL's founder, Jarek Kutylowski, states that they have also been advancing their technology.

In 2016 and 2017, a group led by Jaroslaw Kutylowski crafted the initial version of DeepL's translator software for the digital dictionary platform, Linguee.

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